Refund policy

After receiving your order, if you would like to return it but encounter missing, damaged or incorrect parts in the package or receive missing, damaged or incorrect parts, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can assist you with a return, replacement or refund.

We accept return requests for refunds within 30 days of your receipt of the item.


1.About Returns

Return period

We offer our customers the option to request a refund or exchange within 30 days of receiving the product. If 30 days have passed since the product was delivered to you, unfortunately we are unable to offer you a refund or exchange.

Conditions of Return

We accept returns of defective and non-defective products.

Products must be unused and in the same condition as when received. Returned products must not be disassembled, installed, modified or damaged by incorrect installation or user error.
If you receive a damaged or incorrect product, please contact promptly.
Please note that we are not responsible for missing, damaged or incorrect parts of the product more than 60 days after receipt, regardless of the party at fault. We are also not responsible for lost or stolen packages and all such claims must be handled through the shipping company.

Please note that we are unable to offer refunds or exchanges on products that have been customised to your specifications, such as chains, cut-to-order flex circuit boards and flex circuit board sample boxes.

The return process is as follows:

  1. Send an email to describing the problem you are experiencing and attach a photo.
  2. Upon receipt of the email, we will address your issue within 72 hours.
  3. Once the return request is approved, we will send the customer a return label with the return address.
  4. Upon receipt of the package and checking that the product is in good condition, we will issue you a refund and send a notification to your email address.

Refund Time Limit

Upon receipt and inspection of your return, we will send you an email notifying you that we have received your returned Product(s). We will also notify you of the approval or denial of the refund, which will be finalized within 15 days.

Successfully processed refunds will be returned to the customer's payment account within three days.

- Delayed or Missed Refunds (if applicable)

If you have not received your refund, please first check your bank account again.
Then contact your credit card company, which may take a while.

Return shipping costs

findmallindustry is responsible for return shipping costs, which you are not liable for.


2.Product Replacement

The warranty of the product is one year, if there is any problem with the product within one year, you can just return it to to contact us to discuss the replacement.